Chirton Bookbinding



Chirton Bookbinding is a small, family run Wiltshire business providing a range of handcraft skills and services including:

Fine binding in leather and bookcloth

Leather and cloth cover restoration

Archive box-making and slipcases

It also provides bookbinding tuition, following the City & Guilds Levels 1 and 2 syllabus.

Our primary effort during the past year has been in support of The Wiltshire Barn Project. This is a charity that supports wounded, injured and sick veterans from all three Services, using bookbinding as a way of providing craft therapy, qualifications and work experience. See the following long: The Wiltshire Barn Project for more details.

Otherwise, most of our business involves producing hand finished notebooks, journals and archive boxes or slip cases, in leather and bookcloth, with titles, mottoes ands inscriptions blocked in 'gold' or 'silver' foil.  We also undertake restoration of all types of book, from well-loved paperbacks to leather-bound books, albums and (of course) family bibles.

Thank you for you interest - please get in touch if you have any enquiries.

Jonathan Powell